BEST NEWS EVER: Cheap Canadian Pardons

It’s time to celebrate! Canadian pardons are now more affordable than ever! Forget the Parole Board filing fee of $657.77 in 2021, as of January 1, 2022, the submission fee is ONLY $50.00!!

Don’t take our word for it, read the government announcement here:

This really is the best news ever. The Parole Board’s cost to file a pardon application had become increasingly prohibitive over the last few years, which we viewed as working AGAINST good-faith efforts by those attempting to rehabilitate and reintegrate into society. This Canadian pardon filing fee reduction brings the average cost of a pardon application down from $1,600.00 to approximately $1,000.00 when using an agency to prepare your documentation.

Better news is we’re now including the Parole Board filing fee in our Canadian pardon application preparation cost, so that you don’t need to worry about the additional fee when it comes time to submit your file for processing. This means that the only other costs not covered when hiring us are fingerprinting and local police check fees (if any). We have no hidden fees and offer interest-free payment plans so that you can make clearing your Canadian criminal record a reality!

Our recommendation? Start your Canadian pardon application TODAY, as this $50.00 filing fee might disappear with a Conservative government in the future. Once your application has been filed with the Parole Board of Canada your fee is locked in, so any fee increases at that point shouldn’t affect you. Yay!

Forgive us for being so excited, but accessible pardons should be a priority of any government and this is a BIG step in the right direction!


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